Physiotherapy Brisbane – Different Services for Different Types of Conditions
Physiotherapy Brisbane – Different Services for Different Types of Conditions

Physiotherapy Brisbane – Different Services for Different Types of Conditions

Physiotherapy Brisbane is a specialty area of health care, providing a structured program of exercises and rehabilitative activities for people with musculoskeletal conditions that are beyond the scope of medicine. Physiotherapists can treat patients of all ages, but often have to work with infants and young children in the infant years through to adolescence and early adulthood. Some conditions like traumatic injuries and congenital conditions cannot be treated through physiotherapy, but it should not stop the patient from seeking treatment. In fact, the more a patient progresses through their life, the more they should seek out treatment from a professional in the physiotherapy field.

physiotherapy Brisbane

During your visit to a physiotherapy Brisbane clinic, you will be examined, assessed, monitored, and treated according to your needs. Many clinics offer a wait list, so you can make an appointment as soon as you can. Once you have an appointment, the physiotherapist will usually give you the results within one hour, sometimes as quickly as five minutes. Your treatment may consist of an assessment of your symptoms or injury, x-rays, and/or a personalized program of exercises and stretches designed to improve mobility, strength, endurance, flexibility, and range of motion. The goal of physiotherapy is to achieve maximum benefit through an exercise and stretching regimen while treating your injuries and addressing any underlying neurological problems.

Many people seek treatment from a personal physiotherapist as a part of a rehabilitation program following an accident, surgery, accident or other trauma, or when they are suffering from a chronic condition that requires ongoing maintenance. Many personal physiotherapists also offer rehabilitation services at a physiotherapy Brisbane clinic. For example, if you have recently been involved in a traumatic event, you may benefit by a dry needling treatment. Dry needling is performed by the physiotherapist against the skin, where it causes microscopic damage to the collagen and elastin proteins in the injured area. This damage allows new fibrous tissue to grow and restore the damaged tissue.

In this type of treatment, the physiotherapist places the hand near the injured area, pins a weight on it, and applies small electrical charges until a small tingling sensation begins. Then the physiotherapist applies pressure for up to ten minutes. This is called repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). If this treatment is performed correctly, the process can be effective enough to reduce pain and decrease the need for further treatments. However, if it is performed incorrectly, it can cause permanent nerve damage and even paralysis.

Another popular treatment is to provide a massage to the injured area. Some physios specialize in only manual techniques, while others can perform both kinds of therapy. The technique used to manipulate the muscles and tissues is called manipulative therapy. One of the most common problems treated using this method is a herniated disc. A qualified physiotherapist can effectively treat sports injuries such as strains, sprains, knee or neck pain, and other ailments related to the musculoskeletal system.

Finally, the most controversial aspect of physiotherapy services is the physical restraint used during the treatment. Some people find it disturbing that the patient is restrained by a healthcare professional during a procedure. Restrainment is absolutely prohibited in any professional health care setting, including in hospitals, long-term care facilities, home health care, and mental health facilities. Even when a patient is unconscious or mentally incompetent, a skilled and experienced physio should be able to restrain the client to ensure that he or she receives the best possible medical care.